The Promises of God revealed in Jabez’s Prayer
1. Promise to provide if we seek him first.
Matthew 6:33
Seek God first, and all things will be added unto you.
Jabez was a man who loved God. He went to God first, knowing that to increase his territory and to be protected during the increase, he had to seek God first.
God promises to take care of us if we seek him first.
2. Promise to answer prayers.
Ask, and it shall be given unto you. Mathew 7:7
Jabez asked God to bless him indeed, enlarge his coast/ territory, and protect him from harm. God granted all of Jabez's requests.
So, let's ask. Let us not be weary. The word doesn’t tell us how long Jabez had to wait, but what’s important is he asked, and God answered. God promises to answer our prayers.
3. Promise to make the diligent’s soul rich.
The soul of the diligent shall be made rich: Proverbs 13:4
If you are diligent in anything, God will show you how he will bless you, but if you are lazy, you receive nothing.
Jabez was diligent. He was not a lazy man. God blessed him, indeed. In my research about Jabez Clarke, a theologian discovered that Jabez was a man who founded a school to teach the youth about God. (I will post the app in the message below.)
The promise is if you work diligently, God will bless you with riches.
4. Promise of Peace
In Christ and God, you will have peace, but if you focus on the World, you will have tribulations. John 16:33
Jabez asked God to be free from evil and pain. He wanted peace, and God granted his request. When enlarging your territory, you will face trials and tribulations in this world, but go through them with God and Jesus, and you will find peace, and his blessings will add no sorrow. Jabez was blessed indeed because he focused on God and not the world.
5. Promise of Direction.
God will make your paths straight if you trust in him and not in your own understanding Proverbs 3:5-6
Jabez put all his trust in God and God showed how to enlarge his territory and protect him from pain. He put all his Trust in God. If we trust in God he will direct us.
6. Promise of prosperity
Jabez being a man who loved God knew God's plans to prosper him so he went to God and Gods plan was fulfilled in his life.
So through these promises in the bible we see that God fulfilled them in Jabez they are the same promises he has for us. Let us continue to believe God’s promises and seek him always by putting Christ at the centre of everything we do. God will bless us indeed.
Have a blessed day
Written by Nyasha