Sometimes the hardest part of the promise is being patient

Sometimes the hardest part of the promise is being patient. There are giants in your future that God has already equipped you to defeat. There are dreams that look impossible that God has already empowered you to accomplish. When you look at what you’re up against, it can seem daunting; a sickness or a financial issue. But that potential that’s been lying dormant in you is suddenly going to come to life.

You’re going to feel a supernatural strength, a supernatural power, God breathing in your direction. God wants to fill your life with good things. He wants to renew your youth like the eagle. Psalm 103 v 5 says, "He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!" Too often you limit God because you don’t feel you have the resources or the connections or the experience to do something great.

You forget that your victories are not won through your own strength but by God’s gracious hand of favour on your life, that’s what brings about the extraordinary in your life. God can and will turn it around for you in a moment. Believe it, in the name of Jesus. Have a believing Friday in Christ.



Forgive, Let Go & Move On


“If You are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.”